We got these 5 woolly gals in mid-December.
To be perfectly honest,
we were not ready for any type of livestock.
Oh, they were on our “one of these days” – list…
but just not yet.
We are still finishing our house.
But, they had me at “Baaaa….”.
The owners, who are also our neighbors were kind enough to keep them an additional week so we could get things ready for their arrival.
Bringing home 5 sheep is much different than bringing home a hamster…
We love a project, and this was no exception. We had to decide on a source of shelter, build fencing, a holding pen, and a hay bunker, and we had one week to get it done.
The week went by fast, we were feeling good about our progress. But, it was the night before they were to be delivered when one phrase made us question our sanity.
The hay and straw we hauled home needed to be stored someplace where it would stay dry.

Sir Lots-a-Wit was stacking bales of hay against the ceiling as I supervised… (where is that smiley emoji?)
As he was stacking, I think it was the phrase, “Be careful of the ceiling fan…”, that didn’t click with our sensibilities.
The fact that we were storing hay – from wall to wall and floor to ceiling in the living room of our crooked little cabin, was starting to sink in.
This was the same living room where just a couple of years ago, we were curled up on the couch under that ceiling fan, sketching plans for a dream home and eating popcorn, by a woodstove.

The day our neighbors delivered the sheep was the day our respect as future farmers was lost forever…
“We have your five sheep, where do you want them unloaded?” They asked…
“Could you take them to the bedroom, please? Just straight through the kitchen there… It is the room with the lively lilac walls, just to the left of the living room, can’t miss it.”

All five of these happy ewes will be mommas in the next day or two. These will be the first lambs for all of them. It should be mentioned here that it will also be the first delivery of lambs for us.
We had them sheared so we could see what end was what… you need to know these things when expecting.

This life, right here, on our land and with our animals is the best choice for us, for obvious reasons.
Sanity Not Required!
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All photos, thoughts, experiences, and opinions are my own.
Copyright © Lost Mule Lodge 2018 All Rights Reserved
Loved this so much.I especially love how you are using the crooked cabin as their home…and all the pictures!!! I felt like I was there ! Can’t wait to read your blog about the birthing and the babies.
Thank you sweet Maddy – I always love getting comments.
The lambs are due any time now… we are expecting 7 (2 sets of twins) – pray for them, and me!
I absolutely LOVE your blogs!! This was a doozie that had me smiling from ear to ear. Miss you guys!! <3
Thank you so much Emily – I absolutely LOVE your comments!!!
You guys will have to come again soon, we miss you too.
I will take lots of pics of the lambs once they are born – the kids will like seeing them.
I so enjoy your lovely stories. You paint such vivid pictures with your pen. Good luck with your new sheep and the new lambs. Expecting to read a good story about that process. Hope all goes well.
Thank you Joan – Your kind words are very much appreciated. I am on lamb watch duty tonight. Let’s hope these gals get the job done without my help so I can take lots of photos!!
You stories make me smile. Here i thought I was insane having 5 puppies in my laundry room. I’m with Maddy, excited to see the babies photos. One day we will all be at that lodge having wine listening to your adventures live, is on my bucket ljst.💞
Good morning Donna!! When you are here – I want to hear your life stories. You are a very interesting lady, you had my admiration the day we met!
I am on lamb watch the way you were on puppy watch! I expect these ewes will all be mommas very soon.
I like the story. Keep writing stories like this, they are really fun to read.
Well Thank you so much – your kind words keep me writing!
Baaaaaa! Loved reading about your new babes, and I love how you and Sir Lots-a-Wit aren’t afraid to wait until things are just right to get started. Your ability to creatively and boldly improvise is so inspiring to me! Thanks for sharing this sneak peek into your latest adventure in farming. ❤️
Hey Katie – I am not afraid because I have Sir Lots-a-Wit to help pull it all together! We were considering bulldozing the cabin, but this is much more useful. We are making the kitchen area a potting shed and the living room may well become a full barn. Right now we have 5 sheep. After the lambing, we should have 12 sheep. That’s a lot of sheep in one bedroom! hahahaha!!
It is so good to hear from you – tp
I love all your posts but you know I’m partial to the critter ones! This had me smiling all the way. I especially love the pic with Jesse 😆
One of DH’s arguments to my desire to have animals of the hoofed variety is his fear that I will make them house pets…well now I have one of my own.
“Teresa keeps sheep in her bedroom and it’s working out just fine!”
Good luck with mamas and babies!
Mary Kay – I am cracking up at your comment!!!
Critter posts will become routine as the lambs are born. Nothing cuter than a baby lamb! As wild as they were when we got them in December – they are eating animal crackers out of my hands now.
Let me know how that argument works for you. I could make you a deal on a cute little lamb!!!
Will you be selling the wool? If so, sign me up for some. They are the cutest.